About Direct Support
At Ruby & Ollie’s we understand and appreciate the importance of continuity and commitment of care. Our service is unique in the sense that we provide care outside of the centre based OSHC service and extend to the home and community. We celebrate the positive relationships and connections between our staff and the child and have conversations of how these can be developed to support and assist the child build capacity, independence, confidence and of course big smiles of happiness!
Our priority is to come back to the individual goals and interests of the child, to ensure the support we provide is purposeful, in line with the families overarching goals and wishes for their child/ren and ensuring the health and wellbeing of the child is honoured at all times. We are here to celebrate with you and your family for all the memories created.
How we work and how connections are made
We often receive the comment “oh, I didn’t know you did In Home Care”, or “Wow, that’s great- I didn’t realise you are able to support children attend a local soccer training group”. The reason we aren’t known so much for these service’s is that it organically blossoms from relationships which have been formed in the centre based group environment.
It is fundamental to the sustainability and success of support that we provide the best care for your child/ren, and to do this we like to get to know them as best possible. This being in a safe and supportive environment where you can have peace of mind that our superstar staff will take great care of your child, in a place they get to explore a range of activities, resources and build friendships.
From here, through observation and feedback we welcome your thoughts, suggestions and requests for certain support staff to assist outside of the centre.
Booking Information
Should you wish to book your child in to one of our services, please complete the below Intake Form and return via email to enrolment@rubyandollies.com.au.
Once we have received this, one of our team will contact you to discuss the care request and provide further documentation.
Fee Information
National Disablity Insurance Scheme (Plan and Self Managed) participants may be able to use their funding for these services. Please email us at enrolment@rubyandollies.com.au for a quote.