We offer our diverse service across various sites in South East Qld.
Our service includes Before, After School Care and Vacation Care.

Ruby and Ollie’s Outside School Hours Care meets the requirements of The National Quality Framework and the Learning Framework for School Age Care – My Time, Our Place, and aligns with the Service Philosophy and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child to guide our practices in ensuring quality activities and experiences for the children.
My Time, Our Place provides a rich guiding foundation to ensure quality learning through play and leisure opportunities for all of the children in attendance. Developing life-skills, enhancing social and emotional development through joyful interaction and play with others and the spaces created for them.
The United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child recognises the right children have to engage in a wide range of cultural, artistic and recreational experiences. It also acknowledges children’s rights to be active participants in their own lives, with respect to culture, language, family and other identities.
Links to further information can be found at:
National Quality Framework for School Age Care – My Time, Our Place:
My Time Our Place Framework (acecqa.gov.au)
United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child:
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children (unicef.org.au)
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Fees for the OSHC services are on a per-session basis. Before School Care / After School Care and Vacation Care.
Child Care Subsidy & Additional Child Care Subsidy are available to eligible families.
National Disability Insurance Scheme participants may be able to use their funding for these services.
We advise you should chat with your LAC/ Planner to work out the scope of your child's funding.