Ruby & Ollie’s All Abilities Care is here to help support parents and caregivers by offering quality and empathetic care and education services to children.
We provide a range of services including centre-based care and extending into the child's home and their community.
All of our team are passionate and experienced in disability and early childhood supports; a combined level of care not typically found in other services. The programs and services we offer have been developed to encourage meaningful and intentional learning and skill building and is child centred.
We are professional and offer the utmost care and empathy with meeting the needs of every child in our care. We are people focused and get great joy out of the initial conversations with you, to learn all about the needs of your child/ren and how best we can support them.
We pride ourselves on the holistic approach we take to the care and support of every child.

" Our Vision is to see every child and young person, no matter their diagnosis or prognosis to have access to a supportive, nurturing and empathetic service "
With every child we support, our mission is to support the siblings, parents, caregivers and extended family. With lived experience, strong networks, dedicated and passionate staff, we are here to support you.
Providing affordable people focused community services
Understanding the needs of our community
We aim to prepare young children for the next phase in their life
We will be accountable, transparent and honest
We encourage our staff to excel
We listen to and work with our community
We are passionate about fairness and social equity
We are flexible and vigorous
We are open to embracing new opportunities
What ratio do you facilitate and can 1:1 be an option?We typically provide 1:3 support for each child, however should you require 1:2 or 1:1 support we can of course work with your family to facilitate this!
Can I come see the site before we book in?We would love for you to come and visit prior to enrolment! Feel free to email our enrolment team to arrange a suitable time. (enrolment@rubyandollies.com.au)
Can my child attend your service from a different school? If so, do you offer transport?Yes! We welcome all school-aged children to our service. Transport may be an option, again please feel free to contact our enrolment team to discuss options
Can my child access Inclusion Support?We provide outside-of-school hours services of support. One of the options of care is our centre-based care, which is regulated by the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care (so you can feel rest assured that we are highly regulated and assessed for the quality of care, health, safety and programs we provide to the children. However, we do differ greatly from mainstream OSHC as our service is considered a Specialist Service. As a specialist service, we have much higher ratios (1:3, 1:2 or 1:1), a diverse range of staff with unique skill sets, qualifications and training, we have a Behaviour Consultant overseeing the programs on offer, collaboration with an Occupational therapist, and various other therapists to ensure every child is set up to succeed. In addition to this, we pride ourselves on the level of training and professional development offered to every member of our team. As we are deemed a specialist service, we are therefore out of scope from receiving inclusion support and other government subsidies which would ordinarily be available for other OSHC services. Families may choose to access childcare subsidies- although there is a much larger gap fee which is considered ‘out of pocket’. Due to the daily living and capacity-building support we provide and working toward every child’s individual life goals, should you be self or plan-managed, there may be scope within your child’s NDIS plan to apply funding to the cost of these services. We recommend you chat with your NDIS Planner or LAC for confirmation, and we are always happy to be contacted for clarification. Specialist Services Defined: ‘Services specifically designed to meet the needs of children with ongoing high support needs are considered specialist services. By their nature, specialist services have the inherent capacity and capability to include children with ongoing high support needs. Additionally, as generally all of the children enrolled at a specialist service have ongoing high support needs, the environment does not provide an opportunity for the inclusion of children with additional needs in a mainstream care environment with their typically developing peers, which is a key objective of the program. Given this, specialist services are not eligible for assistance under the program.’
For vacation care: What do I need to bring. what times are you open?Times vary across each site. Please see details on booking forms or via Administration: Enrolment@rubyandollies.com.au or (07) 2113 4478. Please bring: Hat Water Bottle Extra clothes Sunscreen (if you need your own) Communication device/ tool Morning Tea and Lunch Clearly name all belongings A big smiley face- and if not, we’ll ensure there is one by the end of the day!
Do you provide snacks/ afternoon tea?For both after school care and vacation care we do provide a nutritious afternoon tea for all children in our service. Should your child wish to have specific items incorporated into our weekly menu touch base with the team leader on site so that all dietary requirements can be met.
What are the times for before and after school care?We provide session times which include: Before School Care: 6:30 am – school bell (typically 8:30 am) After-School Care: school bell (typically 2:45 pm) to 6:00 pm Vacation Care: varies across the sites. Details are as per the booking forms. Please contact Administration on 2113 4478 for further information.
How does my child get to After School Care from their class?Children transition from their classrooms with the assistance of their teachers / teacher aids. As our services are located within the school grounds our educators are provided with handover from the school staff to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of care between the school and our OSHC service.
I would like to mention that the staff you have are wonderful. They are warm and engaging and very welcoming. Maggie enjoys her before-school care mornings and loves playing “in the park” (the playground at Mackenzie). It’s actually a lovely way to start the day!
L. Girolami